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story ID | Title | |
[ ST169 ] - How the Argentina branch fits into the larger Klionsky family tree.
 Type:  Story
 Last Update:  Jun-25-2020
By analyzing recently added census data at as well as the commonalities in the first names of two distinct Klionsky branches, we suggest the common origins of Argentina branch and the rest of Klionskys.
[ STO20 ] - Tribute to Effi Peled(1961-2009), founding member of this site
 Type:  Story
 Last Update:  Mar-19-2009
This essay is about Effi Peled (3 Feb, 1961 - 2 Jan, 2009) , founding member of this site and essential part of the development team ,
Effi is great grandson of Osher Klionsky (1861-1943),
and also is grandson of Tobias [Efraim-Tuvia] Klionsky (1888-1958),
both of Borisov area, Russia and later of Buenos Aires, Argentina.