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The video is designed and edited by Masha Gorbunova of Moscow, Russia. (Masha is a descendant of Eugene/Yevgeniy Klionsky(1889-1943) , a pharmacist from Borisov & Moscow, Russia, who died in fighting on the front lines during WWII.)

With participation of (in order of appearance) Daniel Klionsky, the webmaster, and Elena Flacks (nee Klionsky) of Rocklin, California and also Eugene Klionsky of Chicago, brother of Daniel.

Whatch the same video via YouTube:

If the above video did not convince you, here are a few more reasons to join:

While most information on the site is fully available for general public, some information is restricted to members only.

You will need to login in order to
  • to see full size images in Family Albums section of our site. Note that images previews are available for general public.

  • to access Family Tree Sheets section of our site.

  • to review database entries in Klionsky family database. These entries (profiles for each Klionsky recorded in our database) can be reached from Hierarchical listing of all names page or from Alphabetical listing of all names page. Once logged in, the birthdates and other information, are both become unmusked on those pages.

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