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  • Donia Klionsky(1888-1954) as a pharmacy college student in Borisov, Czarist Russia, c. 1906
  • Enhanced || Donia Klionsky(1888-1954) as a pharmacy college student in Borisov, Czarist Russia, c. 1906
  • Enlarged || Donia Klionsky(1888-1954) as a pharmacy college student in Borisov, Czarist Russia, c. 1906
  • Mendel Klionsky and his family in Borisov, c. 1904
  • Enhanced || Mendel Klionsky and his family in Borisov, c. 1904
  • Children of Leiba-Getzel Klionsky(1864-1939), Voznesensk, 1921
  • Enhanced || Children of Leiba-Getzel Klionsky(1864-1939), Voznesensk, 1921
  • Family of Note Klionsky; he left it behind in Russia, 1918, Borisov area
  • Enhanced || Family of Note Klionsky; he left it behind in Russia, 1918, Borisov area
  • Wedding of Tobias [Efraim Tuvia], son of Oskar [Osher] Klionsky(1861 - 1943), Wilno, Lithuania, 1922
  • Enhanced || Wedding of Tobias [Efraim Tuvia], son of Oskar [Osher] Klionsky(1861 - 1943), Wilno, Lithuania, 1922
  • Enlarged || Wedding of Tobias [Efraim Tuvia], son of Oskar [Osher] Klionsky(1861 - 1943), Wilno, Lithuania, 1922
  • Siblings Salya & Mark Klionsky(1938-2015) in Kerki, Turkmenistan, 1943
  • Enhanced || Siblings Salya & Mark Klionsky(1938-2015) in Kerki, Turkmenistan, 1943
  • Enlarged || Siblings Salya & Mark Klionsky(1938-2015) in Kerki, Turkmenistan, 1943
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We are a resource and information repository for all people worldwide with the Klionsky name (no matter what spelling variant), or descended from the someone with that name. is an exciting step forward in our family's long history ...
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Sep 30, 2024    Year 2024 - visiting Zembin, Klionsky origin home town in Belarus.: In August 2024, Boris Khesin of Moscow visited the town of Zembin (population of 1,000) and Minsk, both the origin sites of the Klionsky family. Both locations are in Belarus.
Nov 29, 2023    Visiting Klionsky origin home towns in Belarus.: In October of 2023, Boris Khesin of Moscow visited town of Zembin and city of Borisov  both origin sites for the Klionsky family. Both locations are in Belarus, not far from the capital of Minsk.
Nov 23, 2023    Site co-founders get together in Chicago on Nov 11, 2023: Reunion
Apr 16, 2023    Minsk Ghetto Horrors: Letter from a Klionsky Eyewitness.: A WWII letter written by Efim Rozinoer(1925-1945), descendent of Gutman Klionsky(1864-1920s) Borisov soap factory owner, to his Klionsky relatives.
Jan 24, 2023    Connecting the dots: What happened to the children of Grigoriy [Gutman] Klionsky (1866-1920?) of Borisov and Minsk: Research notes...
Jan 07, 2023    A new book by Mitch Clionsky, a neuropsychologist PhD: Promoting a book written by a member of our extended Klionsky family!
Sep 18, 2022    A graph: DNA testing in action - branch of Dr. Israel B. Klionsky(1907-1966), surgeon from Borisov area - St. Peterburg. Russia: Klionsky DNA Project
Sep 01, 2022    My journey to find connections to other Klionsky branches: Finding hidden family connection through DNA testing
Mar 12, 2022    Klionsky in Vitebsk, Belarus; Estonia and pre-Israel in early XX century.: An article about multi-year research of a previously unknown Klionsky branch of Vitebsk, Belarus; Narva, Estonia & pre-Israel.
Mar 07, 2022    Klionsky of Narva, Estonia & Israel: A photo album - family of Hagay Marom of Ramat Gan, ISRAEL, grandson of Anna Belicoff(nee Klionsky) (1905-1982) of Narva, Estonia -> Israel
Jan 19, 2022    1972 mini-reunion in Minsk: Identifying people on the old reunion picture taken in Minsk, 1972
Nov 26, 2021    Searching for Klionsky at Minsk cemetery.: Visiting Jewish cemetery in Minsk, Belarus
Jul 25, 2021    Wedding of Olga Ketzlach, descendant of Man Note Klionsky(1863-1957) of Borisov, and Ian Lovigin:  July 14, 2021, St-Petersburg, Russia
Jun 29, 2021    Getting together in New York with descendants of Mendel "Mark Markovich" Klionsky (1867-1965) of Vitebsk-Baku-Tel Aviv : Daniel Klionsky, the webmaster of this site, while visiting New York with his younger daughter Alexandra "Lexi" Klionsky met with Lena Sinitsyn, her son and her aunt Ella Beilin, all of them NYC residents and descendants of Mendel "Mark Markovich" Klionsky (1867-1965).
Mar 21, 2021    The photo on Joe's wall.: How the re-discovered old photograph solved the old family history puzzle.
Mar 17, 2021    Hamantaschen! – Recipes and Related Stories:  An article about our beloved pastries by Matt Klionsky of Chicago, this site co-founder
Feb 25, 2021    A story of an old photograph: An old photo was sent to us with a request to identify the person on the picture. With a joint effort of multiple people across many countries Max [Mordukh] Klionsky(1896-1986) of Minsk, was successfully identified. This is a story about our research and about Max.
Jan 21, 2021    Link to Wikipedia page for Marc Klionsky: Marc Klionsky (February 22, 1927 – September 17, 2017) was a Russian-American artist who worked in New York City from his immigration in 1974 until his passing in 2017.
Jan 12, 2021    Photo album: descendants of Israel Klionsky (1900-1937) of Borisov-Lithuania-Buenos Aires : A set of pictures from the family archive of Iris Schvartz of Buenos Aires, granddaughter of Israel and great-granddaugher of Oskar [Osher] Klionsky (1861 - 1943), patriarch of Klionskys of Argentina with over a hundred direct descendants
Jan 01, 2021    A set of photos from the wedding of Sarah Sonnenfeld, niece of Matthew Klionsky, this site co-founder. The wedding was held on 1 November 2020 in Boston. : Sarah Sonnenfeld is the daughter of Ruth Klionsky and Steven Shapiro, niece of Matthew Klionsky, granddaughter of Bernard Klionsky and great-granddaughter of Max Klionsky.


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